Sign Today: Urge your Representative to protect endangered right whales by opposing H.R. 8704!

Just off the east coast of the United States, endangered whales are fighting for their survival.

There are fewer than 360 of these North Atlantic right whales left. The remaining whales are in danger of being driven to extinction by human activity – and deadly vessel strikes continue to kill off the most vulnerable whales, including mothers and young whale calves.

Now we’re raising the alarm on a new attack: Representative Earl “Buddy” Carter just introduced a law that would stop the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from changing the existing North Atlantic right whale vessel strike reduction rule until December 31, 2030.

That means if this law passes, our leaders won’t be able to strengthen the rule designed to stop these gruesome vessel strikes for at least six years!

End these needless whale deaths: Urge your Representative to oppose H.R. 8704, a law that would hamstring vital right whale protections!


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