Defend Florida black bears: Urge Gov. DeSantis to veto HB 87

There is an urgent need to protect Florida’s black bears from being killed – we’re calling on all of Florida to take action right away!

HB 87 is a deadly new bill that would legalize a “shoot first, ask questions later” approach to interacting with Florida black bears. The bill would allow bears to be killed for perceived threats to people, pets or property – potentially including trash cans and bird feeders.

Governor Ron DeSantis is currently deciding whether to veto this bill. We need to make sure he hears from concerned Floridians that we oppose this dangerous bill that threatens public safety and will only lead to unnecessary injuries and death of bears, other wildlife and people.

Act Now: Send a message urging Gov. DeSantis to veto HB 87 and to take effective action to protect wildlife and our communities!

*You can increase your impact by reaching out to Gov. DeSantis’s office at (850) 717-9337 and urging him to veto HB 87. You can say something like "As your constituent, I urge you to veto HB 87 to protect Florida's bears and people from senseless killing. We don’t need a new law to allow people to defend themselves against wildlife since they already have the right to do so under Florida law."*



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