California: Help expand the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include Molok Luyuk!

Along the eastern edge of Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument lies a botanical and culture treasure known as Molok Luyuk.

This site is steeped in thousands of years of history, and it’s tremendously important to the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation as a site central to their origin stories.

In addition to its significant cultural value, Molok Luyuk is also teeming with life. These lands include rolling hills, rocky outcroppings, meadows of wildflowers, and forests of pine, cypress, oak and more.

Now we have a major chance to protect Molok Luyuk. We are calling on the Biden administration to expand Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to include the site. The administration needs to hear support from Californians like you!

Add your signature: Urge President Biden to expand Berryessa Snow Mountain to include Molok Luyuk as a federally protected site!


Defenders of Wildlife

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