Save the Arctic: Tell the Biden administration to shut down the Willow oil drilling plan!

The Arctic is in grave danger: The Biden administration has approved an oil drilling project that will destroy important habitat for threatened polar bears while adding over 250 million tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

The Willow Project is the largest oil drilling project ever on federal lands in Alaska, with the potential to unleash as much CO2 into the atmosphere as the yearly output of 56 million automobiles.

Defenders of Wildlife and our partners are in court to stop this project, but we need your voice! Tell the Biden administration to reverse its decision and protect wildlife and our nation’s future from the deadly threat of climate change.

Add your signature: Urge the Biden administration to shut down this massive oil drilling plan that imperils the future of wildlife and people!  It’s not too late to demand justice in the Arctic.

*Defenders will submit your name, city, state and comment. All comments become part of the public record.


Affectionate Mother Polar with Cub © Lawrence Swayne


Defenders of Wildlife

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